55% off
Astaxanthin - Clinical Strength (60 gel caps)

Astaxanthin - Clinical Strength (60 gel caps)


Nature's Most Powerful Antioxidant In Clinically Researched Potencies

  • Clinically validated cellular health, free-radical protection
  • Promotes a normal inflammatory response throughout the body
  • Supports health circulation and overall cardiovascular health
  • Assists eye strain relief and fatigue from computer use
  • Promotes healthy & balanced immune system responses
$39.05 (55%)
60 gel caps
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New Formula - 6,000 Times More Antioxidant Power Than Vitamin C!

We’ve known for a while now that antioxidants are our most effective weapon against the cell-damaging free radicals that cause oxidation and inflammation throughout our bodies.

Free radicals literally accelerate the aging process, making way too many of us feel “old” and tired during what should be the best years of our lives.

Today, we are pleased and excited to introduce our NEW Clincal Strength Astaxanthin – 6,000 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C.

And while our NEW Liposomal Vitamin C with Quercetin & Citrus Bioflavonoids remains a popular and science-based remedy to boost immunity, combat viruses such as COVID-19 and the seasonal flu – in addition to other compelling health issues – emerging groundbreaking research has shown that Astaxanthin (pronounced asta-zan– thin), a rare, deep red-colored carotenoid found in microalgae, to be perhaps the most powerful antioxidant available in nature.

Free radicals literally accelerate the aging process, making way too many of us feel “old” and tired during what should be the best years of our lives.

Unlike most water-soluble antioxidants, which simply circulate throughout your bloodstream, astaxanthin is fat-soluble, which means it has the remarkable ability to actually integrate itself into every cell (much like our Liposomal Formulas), tissue and organ in your body where it can neutralize health-robbing free radicals.

Our NEW Clinical Strength Astaxanthin contains 250% more astaxanthin per serving than most other astaxanthin supplements. Research shows that the only way to get the high levels of astaxanthin shown to provide the full range of remarkable health benefits is to get 10 mg of astaxanthin daily. The typical 4 mg dose is just not enough to get the benefits you are looking for.

Here is just a small sampling of the incredible results from over 1,500 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Astaxanthin Studies:

  • Neutralize free radicals to protect cells and fight aging

  • Promote a normal inflammatory response body-wide

  • Improve muscle endurance and exercise performance

  • Reduce joint pain and support healthy, flexible joints

  • Support healthy circulation and overall cardiovascular health

  • Help your brain and nervous system function optimally

  • Relieve eye strain and fatigue

  • Promote a healthy and properly functioning immune system

  • Protect skin against UV damage and premature aging

Emerging research also indicates that astaxanthin can increase your strength and stamina, and help you exercise longer and feel less sore afterwards—and without any side effects

Perhaps that is because Astaxanthin is what makes salmon’s flesh pink, and it is also what gives salmon their seemingly supernatural endurance – the ability to swim upstream for up to 2,000 miles!

Our NEW Clinical Strength Astaxanthin is also pure and Non-GMO. This is a critical factor in avoiding the toxins and plastic particles that are often present in sources dredged from the ocean and other less than pristine sources. The natural source our Astaxanthin from Non-GMO Haema-tococcus pluvialis microalgae is far superior to synthetic Astaxanthin, which is made from petrochemicals and is far less potent.

With more than 1500 peer-reviewed studies documenting its amazing health benefits, consider adding our NEW Clinical Strength Astaxanthin as part of your daily health protocol. When this high potency Astaxanthin builds up in your body to clinically beneficial levels, you’ll really feel it working.

Customer Reviews

Amazing Results!
This formula helps with knee pain and with my eye sensitivity. My distance vision has improved, maybe because my eyes are not irritated anymore. Thank you for a great product.
Reviewed by:  from Florida.
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