The American diet today is lacking in an important category necessary for optimal health. In fact, Surveys have shown that the fiber content of the American diet is typically about half of government recommendations & even that level is a minimum. The extracted form of Psyllium husks are a science-based way to increase your intake of dietary fiber.
Psyllium is also a powerful prebiotic — a substance needed for healthy colonies of probiotics to grow in the gut. Psyllium benefits the gut microbiome — an essential ecosystem of bacteria inside the colon. A healthy colony of good bacteria in the digestive system is essential for healthy immune function. Your body is better able to fight infection, reduce inflammation, and maintain healthy tissue and cells.
Psyllium has the ability to swell up to 50 times its initial volume when added to liquid. This bulking action can play an important role in maintaining regularity and gastrointestinal health by trapping and removing the waste that weighs you down. The end result is a sense of feeling lighter and increased energy levels.
Our NEW NaturFlo is packed with a full 1.5 grams of this plant-based, Non-GMO, Organic beneficial fiber per serving and assists your body in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels.
Because of these numerous health benefits, you should include our NEW NaturFlo in your daily routine even if you do not have regularity issues.